
Meet Our Specialists

Department of Urology and Transplantation

Dr. Md. Abu Sayed

(Assistant Professor)

Department of Nephrology

Department of Urology

Prof. Zamanul Islam Bhuyan

(Prof. and Senior Consultant)

Dr. Ruhul Amin Rubel

(Associate Professor)

Department of Renal Transplantation

Prof. Sajid Hasan

(Visiting Consultant Urology)

Prof. A K M Khurshedul Alam

(Visiting Consultant Urology)

Department of Radiology & Imaging

Dr. Rejina Jesmin

(Consultant USG.)

Dr. Iffat Ara

(Consultant Radiology)

Dr. Nazrul Islam

(Consultant Echo Cardiologist)


(Asst. Professor- Molecular imaging & Doppler USG)

Department of Blood Bank

Dr. Shekh Adnan Dauad

(Consultant Blood Bank)

Department of Anesthesiology

Prof. Fazlur Rahman

(Consultant Anesthesiology)

Prof. M. A Hai

(Visiting Consultant Anesthesiology)

Dr. Sattajit Roy


Department of Biochemistry and Immunology

Israt Jahan Mitali

(Consultant Biochemistry)

Dr. Ferdous Ahmed

(Asso. Prof. (Clinical Pathology))

Department of Histopathology

Department of Hematology

Dr. Forhad Monjur

(Clinical Pathologist)

Department of Microbiology

Department of Tissue Typing